Sunday 1 December 2013

Funds Raising Day

(A New Holiday)

I have invented a new holiday ‘Funds Raising Day’ on 7th April. There would be a holiday on this day.

This would be celebrated so that poor people can realize that there are people who care about them and also love them. It would also be celebrated so the poor people can feel good and fulfill their and their children’s need.

On this day everyone will give funds to poor people. We would buy clothes, food and rich people will even buy home for them. We would provide them free education and make free schools for them. We would also provide them free televisions, computers, transport, beds and toys forever. Some shops would even be free on this day. If their children’s birthday is also nearby, it would also be celebrated. We would make NGO for them. Many events will also be celebrated for them.

There would be a special sign for this day which would be a coin with a poor person who would be happy.

In this way, Allah and his Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) will be happy from us as we would help poor

This would be a great day for poor people.

Owner: Syed Asad Asif

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